selected: mashable 2012–2015
How Red Bull Takes Content Marketing to the Extreme
Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage. Lately, every conference PowerPoint on the future of advertising or PR seems to mention Red Bull as a — if not the — shining example of a brand-turned-publisher, what every future-leaning agency encourages its clients to emulate.
Breaking a Different Kind of Language Barrier: Sign Language Becomes Sensor-Based
At Texas A&M University, technology applies an external motion sensor and a wearable muscle-tracking sensor to create a new version of ASL translation.
Green Innovation: Growing the Future of Automated Agriculture
Spread’s goal is a quality-controlled, high-yield indoor farming system that minimizes water use, prevents soil erosion and avoids pesticides. Its facilities are designed to run under their own environmental control, from temperature to lighting to moisture, wholly independent of weather and conditions outside.
The Greener City Bus: Reinventing Urban Public Transportation
Proterra is building battery-powered buses. Already, its engineers measure the vehicles as operating at the electricity-powered equivalent of 34.4 km per gallon. The vehicles produce zero emissions and, per bus, Proterra estimates its vehicles cut a city’s CO2 load by some 66,000 kg annually.
A Workplace Snack That Feeds Hungry Children
What if the next time you rustled around for a snack in the office break room, instead of nicking your cube-mate's yogurt cup you grabbed a gourmet nut bar that directly fuels a global fight against hunger?
7 Apps to Make You More Environmentally Friendly
Enacting positive climate policies on the scale of your household, vehicle, and the things you do on a daily basis — that means understanding everyday actions on a level that many of us haven't had to consider before. Metrics can help. New digital tools are making it easier than ever for us to arrest environmentally unfriendly habits and replace them with better, greener moves.
Big Data Is Changing the Way We Get Well
You might call it a revolution, or maybe a remaking, but either way big data is changing the scale and scope of how doctors care for patients and how caregivers and insurance companies address community-wide health issues.